
"Mr. President, "Let's go fuck the Germans...".

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Mr. President,

I invite you to " piss off the Germans ", rather than to aspire to go and " poke some unvaccinated old lady in the toilet ", as your alter ego Vladimir Putin might have put it.

At this time in our history when many of the rulers on this planet are victims of acute delirious flashes and incoercible surges of testosterone to boost their power and keep themselves in place a little longer, we invite you as a representative of the nation and of all French people to take part in the "Art & Justice" Challenge.

A child's play for a president who would also " want to piss off the Germans ", or more prosaically - becausethat is his function - to be the defender of his fellow citizens.

Citizens who, as non-German parents, or as cheated consumers, also non-German, find themselves deprived of their children for the former, and relegated to a lower category of citizens for the latter, since they cannot claim the same compensation as consumers across the Rhine or in the United States in the event of theft by the industrial jewels of Schiller's country.

  Many of our fellow citizens are still unaware that ageing Germany has been repopulating for decades at the expense of all its European neighbours.

 This criminal practice by the German state continues in total silence and in defiance of all treaties signed or recommendations made by the European Parliament: " Forced residence " on German soil of all children in favor of the parent residing in Germany.

Whether he is a man or a woman, whether he is beneficial or harmful to the child, whatever his nationality and his educational abilities, the "best interests of the child" constantly invoked by German courts only serves to conceal the " best interests of Germany " in keeping the child on its soil, and thus ensuring its repopulation.

"He who holds youth masters the future".

"Whoever holds the youth masters the future" is a leitmotif of German politics that is not new, as we learned in 1939 when our neighbour had 20 million more inhabitants than our country.

Nearly 40,000 children with dual nationality are thus kept in ' Forced Residence ' on German soil, and the non-German parent, or one who no longer lives in that country, is irremediably deprived of all parental rights. Very often with illegal means (falsification of documents, evidence, testimony, unfair trials, fines etc.).

Jacques Chirac, at the Franco-German summit in Potsdam in 1998, openly accused Germany of " hold-up" and of practising the " law of the jungle " with regard to these legalized child thefts.

The Presidency of the Council of Europe is held by France for six months. The Council of Europe is, together with the European Parliament, co-legislator of the European Union.

We therefore demand that a President who declared last December that he " madly loves France and the French ", does everything possible to ensure that the 300 or perhaps 500 cases currently "under consideration" by the European Parliament's Petitions Committee are revised during these 6 months in favour of the dispossessed parent.

And that the children be immediately repatriated to that parent

To evade this mission by invoking a supposed "independence of the German justice system ", would be, as in the case of the Volkswagen fraud, to reinforce the disarray and anger of the French in the face of injustice, and to question once again the relevance of the political function.

Three investigating judges in charge of the French part of the investigation into this manufacturer publicly expressed in the press in 2018 their powerlessness in the face of a German justice system that does not cooperate and a company that plays for time by multiplying its delaying tactics.

You have been in power since 2017.

EU Commissioner Didier Reynders said last September "I think it is up to us to let European consumers know that a company has chosen to play for time and try to to avoid compensating them while one conviction after another is being handed down ".

What actions have been taken since 2017 by your government to support the French judges in charge of this case to obtain :

  • Compensation for the 950,000 owners who have been cheated in our country.
  •  Forcing the company to pay the €20 billion fine to which it would be condemned in France. 1/5 of the recovery plan. Remember that the French people have financed several billion euros in taxes and ecological bonuses that have benefited this company to sell even more of its "clean cars".
  • This amount of €20 billion - in the coffers of the French state - would be double magic money because it would be immediately allocated to Health, Justice, Education as well as to the ecological transition, without having to come out of the pockets of the inhabitants of our country. Approximately 300€/inhabitant.

As you can see, this challenge is eminently political, with an economic and civic goal, transparent, patriotic, European, and even ecological.

NO2 - regular traffic 2019 - and containment 2020. European Space Agency.

It is the quintessence of political will and should undoubtedly win your most fervent assent in order to place our country, through strong actions, at the centre of the European game.

 The omnipresence of Germans in the highest positions of the European administration is often denounced as the dark side of this Europe from which citizens are turning away day after day, scandal after scandal ("Greek crisis", Siemens, Bayer, Rheinmetall, André Bamberski - Krombach affair, eavesdropping on French politicians, Galileo etc ).

The success of this Challenge will be beneficial not only to France but to all the other countries of the EU (also victims of the theft of their children as well as of the contempt openly displayed by Volkswagen and the German justice system for the judges and lawyers of these countries implicitly considered as belonging to inferior categories).

Volkswagen boss Herbert Diess' unabashed references to " EBIT macht frei" in front of all the company's executives at the group's annual meeting in 2019, to boost the executives to make ever more profits, whatever the price to be paid and the methods used, should normally dissuade any honest man or woman from buying a single jalopy from this company, without even needing to look at the murderous continuum of his curriculum vitae.

"Ebit macht frei": German made easy for the Uyghurs.

So this is your roadmap, Mr President.

  •  Immediately repatriate between 300 and 500 children in 'Forced Residence'.
  •  Implementation during these 6 months of a European law to "freeze" in its application (by means of provisional measures), the iniquitous judgments of German courts with regard to bi-national couples, the residence of children and parental rights. Refusal by all European countries to honour EAWs (European Arrest Warrants), or Interpol issued by Germany to recover children, parents and even maintenance payments for children whose parents do not even know if they are still alive, since they have been cut off from all contact for several years.
  •    Compensation for the 950,000 French people cheated by Volkswagen. But also for all European buyers who were victims of these rigged vehicles.
  •    Volkswagen to settle the fine with the same diligence as it did with the US in 2017. The political and legal locks that need to be activated to unblock these situations only depend on political will. And from you to me, you know very well that everything is political.

Many of our fellow citizens also " madly in love with their country"Many of our fellow citizens, just like their president, feel - quite rightly - that they are being dispossessed day after day of the fruits of their labour and intelligence, if not of their right to criticism, either by the USA (Alstom, General Electric), or by China (forests, agricultural land, relocations), or by Germany (stolen children, espionage, unfulfilled industrial contracts - the Schwerin agreements in space observation, Galileo maintenance, a political lawsuit in my case etc.). 

" So the time has come Mr. President " to ride the tiger" " to tame it" "because it is not going to disappear" "and the fear will be there".

This invitation to the world of Culture in May 2020, you too must respond without diversions, the NFThemis. org Challenge will accompany you, but its roadmap of demands " very concreteBut its roadmap of demands " " will never be satisfied with " ham and cheese".

2022 is the year of the tiger in Chinese astrology as you already know.

" Reputedly consistent, he leaves no room for injustice.

To give some courage to the whole team in charge of this EU presidency to face Germany, I take the liberty of reproducing these two sentences fromHenri de Kerillis ' speech in the Chamber of Deputies on 4 October 1938 when he refused to initial the Munich agreements. Only 75 deputies out of 535 will oppose this betrayal and abandonment of an allied state; Czechoslovakia, which was " sold like a slave".

He was the only right-wing MP to oppose these agreements alongside a socialist MP, Jean Bouhey, and was applauded throughout his speech by the 73 other communist MPs who were also opposed to these shameful agreements.

" Don't get your hopes up! Germany is insatiable before the weak; Germany is ruthless to the weak; Germany respects only the strong and we have just shown her that we are not! "

This foresight in October 1938 on what was to happen in Europe a few months later, fully validates today the predictive analysis on this new German power which was built only on our endemic cowardice of yesterday and today.

Recurrent cowardice that makes us abandon without a fight - on the part of the authorities - French children to repopulate an ageing country and even finance by jocularity the "ingenuity" of our neighbour's car industry, whose gimmicks reduce life expectancy by 10 to 20 years according to an MIT study .

Mr. President, whatever your future at the head of our country, know that for 450 million Europeans, this presidency by France could be marked with a white stone:

By simply imposing on our German neighbours equal treatment for all European citizens.

In order for these two subjects to become major themes during the electoral campaign, this letter will be sent to all the other candidates for the leadership of the country, as well as to the other heads of state of the EU, whose citizens are also victims of the same discriminations as the French parents or consumers who have been cheated.

If you think that Mc Fly and Carlito can popularise this video fight in all the European languages, in order to establish backhand alliances If you think that Mc Fly and Carlito can popularise this video fight in all European languages, in order to establish alliances to counter the German language which wants to impose itself as the language of communication in the EU after having become the majority language since the departure of the Anglo-Saxon cousins, I will be happy to write the content of these.

To be exhaustive on this feeling of dispossession which risks leading the country to implosion, we must add to the material dispossessions mentioned above, this dispossession of precious immaterial goods, considered as French privileges by many countries and for a very long time; privileges such as the principle of Equality, the memory of the French Revolution, secularism and the French language as a universal vector of these privileges.

"And yet, they speak for France. Neither the Germans, nor the English, nor the Americans can do it. What is it?" Francis Lieber, Prussian-born professor at Columbia University (New York), 1872.

Of course, that was a long time ago.

Since then, the brightness of our "Enlightenment", still widely fantasised about by many people in the world, has become so blunted - through lack of boldness or through the deceit of leaders - that its only function is to be proudly displayed as a decoration; its radiance can often only rival that of a banal candle.

But sometimes.

A few strong words in agonising forums such as the United Nations have led, as in 2003, to applause for our leaders and our country for their enlightened words followed by acts of refusal.

Yes, in this chamber where applause is forbidden, it is indeed France that stood up to a powerful ally and partner, that warned against a predicted disaster, and received a standing ovation.

This disaster has been going on for almost 20 years. 

So Mr. President, with the above (child stealing, deception, air poisoning for all Europeans, discrimination, not to mention guilty pleas in the US courts: conspiracy, obstruction of justice, importing goods under false declarations, etc.), our neighbour and partner, often cited as an example to follow, ticks all the boxes to be admitted to this very closed club of " rogue states ".

And to be denounced as such in front of the other partners, during the six months of our country's presidency of the Council of Europe.

Not only 950,000 French people compensated by Volkswagen will be grateful, but also Bercy, Justice, Health, Education, Ecology and millions of French people who will applaud when the €20 billion of double magic money is repatriated to serve the general interest.

Not to mention a few hundred million European citizens - a smaller number in the case of Germany - who will also join in these cheers, and no doubt in our just claims.

May your hand not tremble, Mr. President, when you administer this reminder to our neighbour, who all too often and for far too long "threatens the freedom - and equality - of other European citizens", all this ..."with full responsibility".

Please accept, Mr President of the Republic, the expression of my highest consideration.

Jacques-henri Lescouët.

PS. The whole of France can only applaud this great national cause - reading - instituted by you in 2021 for two years. My son, French, with a Breton surname and born in the Balearic Islands, having no connection with Germany, will be deprived of it for the second consecutive year following the prohibition made by the German Justice to allow him to follow a schooling in Brittany at my side for a few years in order to recover a schooling broken in Germany.

The fact that Renault and Stellantis are the official sponsors of the French presidency of the Council of Europe in 2022 with clean vehicles has not escaped us. Nor has it escaped our attention that they too are facing fines of several billion euros for misleading consumers. Let them pay up and compensate all the cheated buyers to oblige - reciprocally - all the German manufacturers (Volkswagen, BMW and Mercedes), to do the same on the whole continent.

The author of these lines wishes to make it clear that he has never owned a German vehicle, and that his fight against Volkswagen is a fight in the general interest, to defend the quality of the air breathed by our children.

As mine is held in Germany, his health is even more at risk than in Brittany.

You can download your NFThemis "Political Prisoner" already translated into 12 languages to start this challenge. The NFThemis "Volkswalügen" are available in 9 languages.

No one will blame you, Mr. President, if you illustrate all your messages with one or other of these NFThemis, in order to popularize these battles which really "make you want to piss off" .... German officials. « Art & Justice ».

PPS. This article originally published on LinkedIn on 17 January 2022 was censored after 3 hours and 450 views. As not responding to the policy of this professional network.

  • The swear words used are from Emmanuel Macron and Vladimir Putin.
  • Germany's past crimes are factual.
  • Crimes such as child theft are reported by thousands of European parents.
  • European Commissioner Didier Reynders' warnings to Volkswagen were published in all media.
  • Just like the MIT warnings about the reduction in life expectancy caused by the Volkswagen gimmicks.
  • As for the cowardice of our parliament in 1938, and the courage of a few (still too few) these facts are duly documented by historians.

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