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" Floods. Fires. Theft of children. Looting. Corruption.
"But let's go back, "dearest Mutti" - and, since we're going to talk about children now, I'd like to thank you for allowing me to use this familiarity, very much in vogue in your country, and to call you "Mutti" - let's go back together to that night of July 15, 2021, when in the space of a few minutes, a 9-meter flood pulverized 62 bridges, 40 schools, 55 day-care centers and 5 hospitals in Rhineland-Palatinate, and affected almost 65.000 people, a number of whom have since committed suicide, according to the German press at the beginning of September.
I was that same night of July 15th driving through the Black Forest, -under a very heavy rain-, towards France. This rugged region, and the bad weather not allowing to receive the local radios correctly, and that besides a great concentration was required to drive with very little visibility on a deserted road and a driving rain, I thus meditated with this unique and drumming company, on what I had just lived in your country the week before.
Thousands of other Europeans, women and men who have gone through the same experience describe it as a devastation, yes, you read that right, Mrs Merkel, a devastation:
To be deprived of your child, -French in my case-, of the right to decide on his or her education and residence because you are not German and especially because you do not (or no longer) live on German soil.
" Faced with a German justice system, which under the influence of the Jugendamt (the administrative youth services) almost systematically decides in favour of the German parent, with the aim of keeping the child on its territory, the European Parliament's Committee on Petitions calls on the Member States and the Commission to take their responsibility. "22/06/2018.
Except that nothing is moving. That some parents are going crazy, are sometimes obliged to pay alimony for children they have not been allowed to see for years, whose whereabouts they do not even know and if they are still alive, all the while suffering humiliating legal proceedings that sometimes lead them to suicide.
Yes, "dearest Mutti", you read correctly, there is nothing " sur-realistic" in this short introduction to what is described by all other European countries as : "legalized child theft ".
How is this possible in Europe ? And in 2021!
First of all, there is a war machine called the "Jugendamt", with a budget of €35 billion and 800,000 civil servants. In Germany, two people get married - and if there are children, the third parent is we divorce in threes - and if there are children, the third parent is the Jugendamt-. if there are children, the third parent is the Jugendamt.
With a budget of €35 billion in 2018, equivalent to the budget of the French army in the same year, it is easy to understand that a fighting parent is all alone with a slingshot against a division of panzers.
Yes, "dearest Mutti", just like the loneliness and despair that your 200 fellow citizens in Rhineland-Palatinate had to endure for a few minutes when they were swept away by a nine-metre high torrent of mud, which not even Michael Groß, your three-time Olympic and five-time world swimming champion, could have faced.
For all those who have never heard of the Jugendamt, the Wikipedia entry is quite comprehensive on this organisation which has a long history and thus a well-tried practice for the monopolisation of children from other countries.
"Established in 1922, its activity took off under Nazism and was in full swing from 1940 onwards, especially from Poland. The blondest children who conformed most closely to Nazi anthropometry were spotted and taken off the streets by the 'brown sisters', nursing sisters specially trained to spot racially compatible children. Sometimes they went directly to the parents, accompanied by SS detachments. The children remained in a home locally for some time and were then transferred to Germany or Austria under the responsibility of the Jugendamt, often for adoption, or otherwise placed in a home. German identity documents were issued to them by a special Lebensborn detachment. Of the 200,000 to 300,000 children stolen in this way, the majority, especially the youngest who had quickly lost the use of their mother tongue, were never found after the war. The main SS leaders of the Lebensborn programme, its director Max Sollmann and the doctor Gregor Ebner, were not bothered after the war, and remained in Germany. They were still alive in the 1970s. " Wikipedia.
"Dearest Mutti", you will probably be tempted to refer me to this sentence of Günther Quandt's grandson in defence of his grandfather:
"Our biggest problem in Germany is not being able to forget .
And to want to extend the perimeter of this desideratum to the author of these lines, as well as to all European countries. Let us recall, with your permission, "dear Mutti", what Benjamin Ferencz, the prosecutor of the trial of the " Einsatzgruppen " (Shoah by bullets directed by overqualified intellectuals of the " Sicherheitsdienst " who massacred 1,5 million women, children, old people), this American prosecutor, who had also participated in the liberation of the camps of Mauthausen, Buchenwald, Dachau, declared following the film, " the Silence of the Quandt ", fruit of five years of meticulous research, : "If the Nuremberg tribunal had had the documents gathered by the authors of the film, Günther Quandt would have been condemned, just like Krupp or Flick.
So, if it is too late to condemn today the crimes of the Jugendamt of 1940, it is not too early to put on the European public square its hidden practices of today.
Practices that are very well summarised by French parliamentarian Hubert Wulfranc in a written question to the Minister for Europe, and in this article from
But these are only the tip of the iceberg of lawlessness.
Because in its imperative need to populate its territory to cope with its ageing population, the German state can sometimes even impose its law on married couples who are only thinking of moving across the border, simply out of convenience.
"Dear Mutti, if you have not yet seen this France 3 video, I urge you to do so immediately to get a feel for the "surrealism made in Germany", which will help you understand why trust in a neighbouring and theoretically partnering country has not only been waning for quite a few years, but is likely to lead to a very violent rejection of anything stamped "Made in Germany " in the very near future.
France 3. Children sequestered by Germany.
Let's take a step back together, "dearest Mutti", and go back to the genesis of this criminal but officially encouraged activity, which is denounced by thousands of Italian, French, Polish, Spanish, Belgian and Swedish parents and parliamentarians from these countries, unfortunately still too few in number.
- Every secondary school pupil remembers the alliteration in the textbooks: " Kinder, Küche, Kirche" - children, kitchen, church. An injunction for German women, which was the dominant credo in your country until the 1980s.
- Women who would have liked to combine work and motherhood had no choice but not to have children because of the lack of facilities to combine these two activities (no crèches, day-care centres, etc.). For it was only in 2013 that every parent was guaranteed a place in a crèche when the child reached its first year. You must remember this, Mrs Merkel, it was even at your initiative, albeit somewhat late.
- Germany has only eight births per year per 1,000 inhabitants, the lowest rate in the world.
- The population started to decline in 1972. This may partly explain the low unemployment in the labour force as there are fewer people to integrate into the labour market. The famous German model. CQFD.
- The shortage of children between 1965 and 1975 led mechanically from 1995 onwards to a decrease in the number of women of childbearing age and thus to a fall in the birth rate which will continue until 2016.
To sum up, "dear Mutti", it is this doctrinal combination - the 3 Ks - coupled with an under-investment in childcare facilities to encourage the birth rate that is causing your country to age and become depopulation for a very long time.
Germany simply has to face up to its past political choices and stop repopulating itself cheaply by appropriating the children of other European citizens today.
Whether through the iniquitous judgements of the Jugendamt, or some "baraka" such as the "Greek crisis" which allowed tens of thousands of Greek doctors, Spanish or Portuguese engineers etc. to be "sucked in", and then around 1 million mainly Syrian refugees in the year 2015, when, simply by coincidence, an hourly minimum wage was finally imposed in your country at the level of €8.50 gross per hour.
In its annual report for 2018, the German Institute for Human Rights reveals that in Germany, " legally resident foreigners are 'exploited ' by their employers.
"Migrants: Germany creates jobs... at 80 cents an hour
Europe 1. Jobs at 80 cents an hour.
This influx is therefore "a huge opportunity, this new wave of immigrants is younger and better trained", enthused the then Minister of Labor in 2009; Ursula von der Leyen, who was also Minister for Family Affairs, Defense and today President of the European Commission.
However, to run the German economy with young people who have been trained by their country of origin is to pre-empt the future of these countries of the South in the long term. By attracting graduates and future elites from Spain, Greece, Portugal and Italy, Germany is mechanically reducing the chances of these countries emerging from an economic crisis, which was only the consequence of a banking crisis in the countries of the North, as everyone knows today, even in your country. In 2013, the demographer Amparo González-Ferrer put the number of these Spanish exiles at 700,000.
These states will unfortunately become even more dependent on a European Commission where Germany will impose its views on their future economic policies.
si := min {b + [pi/d], M},
The "Cambridge Compromise" formula, developed by a group of mathematicians in 2011 for an equitable distribution of seats in the European Parliament, will not have succeeded in slowing down Germany's progression in all European bodies and its insatiable appetite to rule this Europe. Therefore, for Germany, keeping its 96 seats versus 79 for France (74 until 2020), while limiting as much as possible the inexorable fall of its population, is a vital mission and quasi-military where all bad things are allowed.
Including child theft as a legalized practice. Children of binational couples divorced in your country, or, having had the misfortune for some married couples to simply reside there to work (See the case of this Spanish couple victim of the 2008 crisis in their country, having left to work in Germany with their 3 Spanish children born in Spain and having to leave your country, "dearest Mutti" with only two of them and abandoning the third to the Jugendamt).
If at the beginning of this article, "dear Mutti", I spoke a lot about forced labour through your "very faithful long-time donors" who have built their fortunes on it, it is time, I believe, to popularise this concept of " Forced Residence " with regard to this problem of children stolen by your country.
For the thousands of European parents dispossessed of their children - among whom the French represent the majority of these cases - are not the consequence of a simple administrative blunder by a court in Baden-Württemberg, as far as I am concerned; given the uniformity of the procedures, judgements and conclusions which are all similar in their banality and their interpretation of the " Kindeswohl "; the welfare of the child.
The majority of cases of so-called stolen children are French. Le Parisien.
Although it is not in my nature to expose my problems in the public arena - the Bretons are known to be rather quiet, except when they get angry - and having been able to observe for a very long time now, "Dear Mutti", that this aphorism of a famous German philosopher and economist: " Make shame even more shameful by giving it up to publicity ", is one of the few weapons that have proved their worth in history, just like humour, for shaking the most impregnable fortresses; we are therefore going to do our utmost to overwhelm all your followers with shame, even those in France and Navarre who know all this for some, but who say nothing.
I will therefore try to summarise for you, if you are still reading me, "dearest Mutti", the circumstances that led me to have to go before a family court in Baden-Württemberg in this month of July 2021. At the end of this short bio, it was not mentioned that for the period 2012-2016 I was residing in your country due to the bankruptcy of my companies in order to be with my child.
" Publisher of tourist products for about twenty years in the main destinations of the Mediterranean basin (Greece, Spain, Cyprus, Portugal, Morocco) as well as Hungary, the Mayan Riviera or Puerto Rico. The philosophy of the company (ten people) -headquartered in Greece and Spain- is to offer tourists quality souvenirs, made of paper, useful and made in Europe. (Economy Tribune interview on LinkedIn profile). The misnamed "Greek, Spanish, Portuguese or Irish crisis", now identified as a financial crisis that quickly spread to the economy with hundreds of thousands of companies going bankrupt, put an end to this adventure in 2012. Back in Brittany in 2016 with two new projects."
Although one of these projects was selected in 2019 to take part in the French Tech Cup, and the second, intended to promote employment in Brittany, received many expressions of interest, the Covid crisis of 2020 and the shutdown of the school system in Germany(28 weeks of school closures as opposed to 10 in France) reinforced my modest analyses, unfortunately relevant to the future of our planet, and encouraged me to want to devote all of my time and energy to my child by sending him to school in Brittany:
1/ In view of his school situation and the lack of prospects for improvement in his current family environment,
2/ his age, which allows him to emancipate himself from maternal care (he will be 11 years old in 2020).
3/ the mother's major responsibility for these school delays and the absence of a learning environment which is detrimental to the development of her general culture,
4/ to the situation that would prevail in 2021 and that was already written in 2020. Schools having closed again in Germany. The lack of teachers, which has been denounced in the German press:
"Back to school in Baden-Württemberg. Extreme shortage of teachers in primary schools". My son was 11 years old in 2020.
Stuttgarter-Zeitung. September 2020.extreme shortage of teachers.
5/ my availability to assist my son in his schooling, while giving him the benefit of skills to accompany him in other areas he likes (graphic design, video creation).
6/ with regard to the early orientation of the German school system, which does not allow for any backtracking.
7/itspractice of French is becoming marginal (only 30 to 40 days of summer holidays).
8/ the proven benefit of the oceanic climate for its positive psychological effect on children and which facilitates, through dozens of activities linked to the sea, a disconnection from screens. And to the upcoming arrival of an era where summers will last 5 months.
9/ to the analysis of the European Central Bank, based in FrankfurtIt was also pointed out to the court that, in view of the serious food shortages that some countries will be facing in the near future, Brittany, with only 4 million inhabitants, produces enough food to meet the needs of its population. The court was also told that in view of the serious food shortages that some countries will be facing in the near future, Brittany with only 4 million inhabitants produces food for 20 million people.
Shining a light on climate risks: the ECB's economy-wide climate stress test. March 2021.
10/ My request for a 4-year schooling in France to enable him to acquire a sufficient command of the French language (his results in German being more than mediocre anyway). And no one can predict what will become of this famous "Franco-German couple" in the future. Especially in the event of divorce....
While maintaining permanent and unlimited access to the mother and her family.
Following an exchange of some forty letters with the opposing lawyer and the court, the predictable conclusion reached by the court on July 7 was that, "for the welfare and best interests of the child" (" Kindeswohl "):
- The principle of continuity had to prevail. "Förderprinzip ".
As the child goes to school in Germany; he must stay there.
Even though her school career is a disaster, duly recounted in the school reports that were submitted to the court, the latter was content in its reasoning to oppose two divergent visions of education between the father and the mother, France and Germany. However, it evaded the failure of his schooling, the lack of support for it, and the lack of prospects for improvement in his current family environment.
Remember, 'dear Mutti', that I mentioned earlier the loneliness of the non-German parent fighting alone with a slingshot against a division of panzers.
I will briefly list the "Kafkaesque" functioning of these 10 months of proceedings.
- Notices of receipt" of letters sent by "registered mail" to the court are never returned to you. Any official of the Ministry of Justice in Paris working with Germany will confirm this.
- The German court sends you registered letters with acknowledgement of receipt, without any notice to sign. A German court therefore considers its proof of dispatch as proof of receipt . In my case, 75% of the letters are return receipt requested.
- All these letters are sent to you in German . The European Convention on Human Rights states that they should be sent to you in a language you understand.
- This convention, signed by Germany, also stipulates that there must be sufficient time to respond. Most addressed letters require a reply within 8 or 15 days from the date of sending. Many letters sent by ordinary mail reach you 5-6 days after the date of dispatch.
- The Jugendamt (the third parent whose opinion is paramount and whose recommendations are followed by all judges) was not present on the day of the hearing.
Despite my repeated requests to the Jugendamt for a physical appointment, offering a two-day slot to arrange this before the hearing, it was impossible to free up an official or find a slot to receive me. I travelled 1,100kms to get to this hearing.
- The judge who had been signing all the letters for the past 10 months (and who was supposed to study the arguments I was putting forward) was not the judge who presided over the hearing that day.
- The lawyer for the other side sent me his final argument by ordinary mail through the court only a few days before the hearing. I was already on my way to Germany. I did not learn of its contents until I returned to France. This letter was not given to me at the hearing either, as would be required for an honest adversarial debate honest.
From the various allegations in this letter, against which I could not defend myself, I will extract only these few crude but classic lies according to many other parents:
- My ex-wife would 'finance herself' my son's trips to France in order to ' maintain a link with the father '. Whereas the court had in its hands the history of all the trips made with my son in Europe and in France with my own money, the help of my family, or even bank loans. The ratio is 1 to 10 in my favour on these holiday expenses.
- I would "terrorise my child" by having asked him several times through WhatsApp to send me a one-page English paper, and at a lower grade than his. The assignment was received after 48 hours and written by the child's mother.
- I would also have forced him during his holidays to watch political films in French, Charlie Chaplin's "The Dictator", Laurel and Hardy, "C'est pas sorcier", "Des trains pas comme les autres" etc.
- Finally, according to the lawyer, I had made physical threats and he requested in this letter the presence of an armed ' Justizwachtmeister ' on the day of the hearing.
You, who hold the title of black belt in the signing of treaties, "dearest Mutti", must be exulting at the harmoniously structured operation of the Jugendamt, the German justice system and the lawyers to appropriate children who do not belong to you.
When the judge, with a falsely benevolent air, and after having made her decision, pointed out to me that I should have taken a lawyer to plead my case, I retorted that she knew perfectly well that no German court would find in my favour. I replied that she knew perfectly well that no German court would rule in my favour, and this had been confirmed to me by several German lawyers - specialised in family law - who all told me that I had absolutely no chance even if I was 500 times or a thousand times right.
This assertion provoked an embarrassed smile from the judge, who had in her hands a file of more than 1.5 kg of documents (arguments, history, testimonies of friends, former collaborators or employees who all know my son and his mother, WhatsApp documents, proof of manipulation of the child by the mother, holidays, financial support, school reports, professional interviews, projects in France, proof of residence in Germany for 4 years etc.).
Film "Weil du mir gehörst". "Because you belong to me". PAS (parental alienation syndrome).
All these documents were translated and certified by a sworn translator at a French court of appeal, in order, "dearest Mutti", to avoid any misunderstanding of the interpretation of the words used. And to serve as a preparation for the follow-up to these injustices suffered by non-German parents, who emerge from this ordeal, as I wrote above, devastated and often ruined by the iniquitous decisions of your judicial system.
Because when honest German lawyers tell you that they refuse to go and plead for a transfer of residence to the country of nationality of the child with one of the parents, even if this would be necessary for other reasons explained in court, it is easy to deduce that the German justice system now considers that this " Aufenthaltsbestimmungsrecht " (this right to decide on the place of residence and schooling), should be a mere formality that should be complied with without flinching, otherwise, as is very often the case, the child will be deprived of the right to education, (this right to decide on the place of residence and schooling) should be a mere formality to be complied with without flinching, on pain of depriving the recalcitrant parent of all parental rights and thus of the right of access and communication with the child, as is very often the case.
This is done through secret legal decisions (the French parent is neither heard, nor summoned to the hearing, nor informed), which can even go as far as falsifying the birth certificate to make the father's existence disappear, as in the case of the Norman doctor François Chevalier.
Germany: Frenchman deletes daughter's birth certificate. Le Nouvel Observateur.
Associations are currently working to denounce what must be called state criminal practices. But with too few resources, as is often the case. Some of their present-day leaders - despoiled parents -were even sentenced to imprisonment by Germany, which set in motion Interpol, European arrest warrants, the famous EAW, unfortunately executed by their respective countries of origin; France and Italy.
CEED.European Council for Children of Divorce
To complete this picture, in 2021, the Jugendamt, as a spoliating and expansionist enterprise, will relocate its " Forced Residence " centres to other countries - secretly and by detaining - Isn't the expression "dearest Mutti" declamatory of children from the age of 11?
Greek friends who have heard about my problems with your country have sent me a press article dated 25/07/2021 relating what is happening in " undeclared structures that are not subject to any control by an educational authority", run by the German Jugendamt on the Greek territory.
To sum up this article, it talks about structures that operate in the shadow of the law, where no control is exercised by the competent authorities to protect the rights of the children who live there. Unacceptable living conditions, children who are afraid to speak out and wish to return home. It was impossible for the journalists to determine which Jugendamt and which region of Germany had sent these children to Greece. There were three children in this facility that day, one aged 11, one aged 15 and one aged 18. According to the study, other " Forced Residence" facilities also exist in this country.
So far, there is only one article in the Greek press and a report in the German Public Television (ARD ) programme "Weltspiegel" broadcast on 18/07/2021.
According to the inhabitants of the region where these clandestine structures exist, the children are described as quiet. They even wonder why their parents send them there, although they are probably unaware that they were taken from their parents.
" Dearest Mutti ", the Greek inhabitants of the village around this clandestine structure are astonished, (although they have not studied psychology or have any diploma of guidance counsellors), they are therefore astonished - simple common sense - that these children are sent to this lost region in order to - according to the Jugendamt -; re-socialise. At the end of a dirt road several kilometres long, without a telephone and cut off from any social life, and of course without knowing the language of the 'host' country.
According to the opinion of the Jugendamt, as far as I am concerned: " Continuous and reliable contact with the child's father would be in the best interest of the child. From an educational point of view, this would lead to a balanced development of the child ".
On the court side, a French child is not allowed to go to school in Brittany for a few years with his father, who can help him with his schooling and live in an environment favourable to his physical development and health. On the garden side, German children (well... who speak the language) are sent to another country without their parents' consent to resocialise in places isolated from everything.
And in both cases in the name of the sacrosanct " Kindeswohl " (best interests of the child) , which the the officials of the German embassy in Santiago de Chile who were sending 14 year old children, who had come to the embassy as "refugees", back to hell without a care in the world. than German citizens.
Having managed to escape from the infamous Colonia Dignidad, which was a camp of forced labour 365 days a year, sexual exploitation of all children and a place where some of them were forced to participate in the torture and killing of opponents of the Pinochet dictatorship; all this during several decades, with impunity and with connections at the highest level with some German political or religious authorities.
Constantly visited by distinguished guests such as Augusto Pinochet, Manuel Contreras and, in 1978, Gerhard Mertins, an arms dealer and former member of the Waffen SS who became an agent for the BND (German intelligence service) and founded the "Colonia Dignidad Friendship Circle", this paradise was even visited by Joseph Mengele (the famous Auschwitz doctor).
A place described as " a paradise of order and cleanliness " byAugusto Pinochet 's wife and which also had the honour of receiving many visitors from the CSU, the Bavarian sister party of the CDU, whose leader Franz-Josef Strauss had his autographed portrait which still hung in the late 1990s in this " Society for Charity and Education in Dignity ".
Yes, "Dearest Mutti", you remember all this well, because your mentor Helmut Kohl in 1991 declared during a trip to Chile, in front of the cameras, that what was happening in this Nazi sect was an exclusively Chilean problem.
In 1991, however, you were THE person in charge of the Federal Ministry for Family, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth and this until 1994.
As early as 1977, a report byAmnesty International Germany warned about the Nazi sect. The German courts ruled in favour of the representatives of the sect in Germany who opposed the dissemination of this report, and forbade its publication on "form" but not on "substance".
If four Frenchmen were assassinated by the Chilean military dictatorship (1973-1990), it seems certain that one of them, Alphonse Chamfreau -23 years old- died under torture in this " Society of Beneficence and Education in Dignity " which existed since 1961.
Former German President Joachim Gauck declared in 2016: "What Germany deplores is that German diplomats looked the other way or allied themselves with the executioners. I would have been delighted if a German foreign minister had spoken out clearly at that time.
Let's remember that the very first television report on the colony was made in 1983 by a young Frenchman, François Hubert, who was a candidate in the game show "La Course autour du monde". The report was immediately broadcast on French-speaking channels (Antenne 2, SSR, SRC, RTL), but some Chileans who had helped the young director were persecuted (one of them was arrested and tortured).
"Making shame even more shameful by giving it away to publicity
The release of the film " Colonia " in 2015 accelerated the "awareness" of your government, which was forced to propose, hold on to your hat, "dearest Mutti":
10.000 € compensation to each of the 240 victims (which was only paid in 2020, but excluding the Chilean victims), for their decades of deprivation of freedom, exploitation as forced labourers, sexual victims, victims of torture, forced administration of psychotropic drugs to break their will and forced themselves to participate in the torture or murder of Chilean opponents that the secret services of that country held prisoner in this "Society of Benevolence and Education with Dignity " . German Television. 2017 ARD. Fakt
Film Colonia . 2016. Emma Watson. Daniel Brühl.
Das Erste . German Television.12.08.21 The forgotten victims of Colonie Dignidad
The " Society for Benevolence and Education in Dignity " was founded and directed by a Lutheran pastor, former Wehrmacht stretcher-bearer, Nazi, who boasted of "the best of the best". hold the German embassy in his hand".
"BMW hat Merkel im Sack"headlined the German business newspaper Handelsblatt in 2013, following your decision to scupper the European agreement to reduce CO2 emissions.
Only a sorrowful spirit or one ill-intentioned towards the country that saw the birth of this artistic movement " New Objectivity " "Neue Sachlichkeit" , a " realist " school that was silenced in 1933, embodied by Otto Dix, George Groz, Max Beckmann, George Scholtz, Felix Nussbaum, for the few most famous painters outside of your borders - not forgetting, of course, the immense music composer Kurt Weill - , Yes, only a sorrowful mind, "dearest Mutti", or a supporter of this "Entarte Kunst " (degenerate art in Nazi parlance), would dare to compare such a concomitance in time with this " communicative mutism " which seems to be the intangible trademark of your country and its representatives.
That this "communicative silence" (theorized by Hermann Lübbe, philosopher and former Nazi), was fully assumed -yesterday- by the German Embassy in Chile, as much as by the administrative director of the Kiehl District Court (video of non-divorced parents deprived of their children, due to a move)- today- , and -immutably- by the Jugendamt , whose decisions are not subject to appeal, and who have the power to conceal with impunity the origin of children sent to " Forced Residence " in Greece, must ask us "dearest Mutti" about your own silences in too many cases relating to the heritage of this country you led for 16 years".
This passage on stolen children is taken from this article published on 15 September 2021, which looks back on 16 years of Merkel's rule.
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